SWLAW Blog | Faculty Features

May 12, 2020
2019-2020 Excellence in Teaching Awards
The Excellence in Teaching Awards recognizes a First-Year, Upper-Division, and Adjunct Professor at Southwestern Law School as selected by the student body. The awards reflect Southwestern's belief that the day-to-day teaching of students is of primary importance, and it represents the students' appreciation and recognition of professors who go above and beyond in the classroom.
The students have voted, and the results are out!
We are proud to announce this year's 2019-2020 SBA Excellence in Teaching Awards go to...
First-Year Professor - John Heilman
“It’s such an honor to be recognized by the first-year students. I had the opportunity to teach two first-year classes in the fall semester and another one this semester. I’m so impressed by the dedication and intelligence of all our students. I look forward to watching the first-year students as they develop throughout the remainder of their time at Southwestern.”

Upper Division Professor - Robert Popovich
"I absolutely love teaching at Southwestern and am so fortunate to have such great colleagues (including the Administration and Staff). However, the best part of teaching at Southwestern is that I have the opportunity to work with such wonderful students. While my students know that I am not very good at receiving praise or recognition for my work (I never feel that I am doing anything special), I am honored and sincerely appreciate receiving this award. In reality, I am rewarded by my students every day because I am the one who is so lucky to have the privilege of being their professor. Thank You, Students!"

Adjunct Professor - Allan Johnson
"I'm excited and humbled to receive this honor. In the 10 years I’ve been teaching at Southwestern, I’ve found the school to be a warm community of students, faculty, and staff. I am proud to be a part of this school and its mission. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Southwestern."

Congratulations to Professors Heilman, Johnson, and Popovich on this outstanding recognition by their students! It is well-deserved! Thank you for your exemplary dedication and commitment to shaping the legal minds of our students.