Leigh H. Taylor Law Library
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- The Library's Catalog provides access information for most of the law library's print and electronic collections.
- Note: Lexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law, and CEB must be searched separately.
- Off-campus? Login with your full name and barcode number for access to the majority of library resources. Visit our Accessing eBooks and Databases guide for detailed instructions.
Click on the buttons inside the tabbed box to search the library collection:
Use the Catalog Search to locate print and eBooks, as well as print and digital articles.
Search by Journal Name/Title to determine if the Library has access to a specific journal and its coverage dates.
- Search Southwestern's Classic Catalog and WorldCat
Southwestern's Classic Catalog is ideal for locating print materials in the law library.
- Quickly locate Course Reserves.
- Perform specialized searches such as by call number or ISBN/ISSN.
- Search results include microfiche, print books, and document-level information for some electronic collections, e.g., articles in Law Library Journal in HeinOnline.
Southwestern's WorldCat searches libraries worldwide, with Southwestern holdings listed first.
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Located in the Bullocks Wilshire Building, one of the most admired and significant Art Deco structures in the world, the library was named in honor of Dean Emeritus Leigh H. Taylor in 2004. Dean Taylor served as dean from 1978 to 2005 and spearheaded Southwestern's purchase, preservation, and renovation of the building.