Hon. Mark A. Juhas
Adjunct Professor of Law / Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles

B.A., Colorado College, 1976
J.D., cum laude, Seattle University, 1979
Member, California State Bar
Joined Southwestern: 2006
Career Highlights
Judge Mark A. Juhas sits in a general family law assignment on the Los Angeles Superior Court and has done so since November 2002. He is a member of several committees for the Los Angeles Superior Court including chair of the Access and Fairness committee. For the Administrative Office of the Courts he is currently on the CJER Governing Committee, Elkins Family Law Implementation Task Force, Self Represented Litigant Task Force and the Family and Juvenile Advisory Committee, among others; he was a member of the Elkins Family Law Task Force. He currently chairs the Family Law Curriculum Design committee for CJER. In addition to Southwestern, he regularly teaches for, among others, The Los Angeles Superior Court's education program, CJER, and the Los Angeles County Bar Association.